
The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling is unavailable, but you can change that!

For some time the Biblical counseling world has needed a reference volume containing articles that refer to the various aspects of Christian counseling. Here Jay Adams, the father of Nouthetic counseling, sets forth in concise form what you need to know. The book is not academically oriented; rather it is a practical work in which insights, directions, and methodology may be found side-by-side...

Nicodemus, it was said of Jesus that He knew what was in man. While we cannot know counselees as Jesus did, we can gather data (q.v.), make extensive inquiries, examine evidence, and probe into details when necessary. All of these important activities are adjuncts to gathering the facts about which we must give God’s counsel. See CGG for an in-depth study of the matter. You may wish to give this book to people who have problems with the subject of guidance. To put it simply: the Bible teaches
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